Tampopo Kai Class Registration Confirmation
Tampopo Kai Class Registration Confirmation
Tampopo Kai Class Registration Confirmation
Thank you for registering for a Tampopo Kai class at JASC. You should receive an email with a copy of your registration information from noreply@jotform.com.
Please contact Ruby Grillier at the JASC office if any of your registration information needs to be corrected or if you don’t receive the email from noreply@jotform.com. You can reach her by email sent to classes@jasc-chicago.org or call her at (773) 275-0097 ext. 229.
For questions or additional information, please email Naomi Sensei (English or Japanese) at tampopo@jasc-chicago.org.
たんぽぽ会からの案内メールをご希望ですか?どうぞ、tampopo@jasc-chicago.org まで日本語でお問い合わせください。たんぽぽ会 根宜直美(ねぎなおみ).
We look forward to seeing you soon in class!