Community Programs & Events

Community Programs & Events

Community Programs & Events

JASC is proud to be a part of Chicago’s vibrant Asian American community and is happy to work together with our sister Japanese American and Asian American organizations.

Kagami Biraki

Celebrate the New Year with an Oshogatsu tradition: join JASC, Tohkon Judo Academy and other friends to pound rice into mochi (rice cakes) the old-fashioned way, mochitsuki. Complimentary mochi, which is traditionally made and eaten at the beginning of each year to ensure good fortune, will be available to all participants.

After the mochitsuki, the judo dojo and JASC building are purified in a Tenrikyo ohara-i purification ceremony. There is also entertainment, judo demonstrations and a potluck fellowship luncheon. Held the second Saturday of the year at JASC.

Kigami Biraki

Day of Remembrance

Each year the Japanese American community in Chicago comes together to recall the signing of Executive Order 9066 in 1942 which led to the forced incarceration during WWII of almost 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry, many of whom were Americans, and to consider the lessons to be learned from that experience. This event is co-sponsored by JASC, the Japanese American Citizens League-Chicago, the Chicago Japanese American Historical Society, the Japanese Mutual Aid Society and the Chicago Japanese American Council. Day of Remembrance is held in mid-February each year, on the Sunday closest to February 19, the date of the signing of Executive Order 9066.

Asian Lunar New Year

JASC joins the Asian American Coalition of Chicago to celebrate the Lunar New Year and promote Asian American empowerment and advancement. The host community rotates each year from among members of the Asian American Coalition. The celebration is held in February each year.

Japanese Community Picnic

In 2006, JASC, the Chicago chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League, and Tohkon Judo Academy decided to resurrect a beloved memory of many Sansei (third generation Japanese Americans) by hosting an old-fashioned community picnic, bringing together all segments and generations of the Japanese American community. The event was a rousing success.

In 2014, continuing efforts to establish closer relations between all those of Japanese descent here in Chicago, resulted in Tohkon Judo partnering with the Chicago Japanese American Council and its members – which included Japanese American and Japanese National organizations – to hold Chicagoland’s first Japanese Community picnic. Over 200 happy picnic goers of all ages enjoyed food, drinks, games and the beautiful summer day.

Held at a local forest preserve, it is BYO obento (traveling food), with beverages and snacks provided. There are games and prizes for the children, contests for the adults, and, of course, a cultural favorite, karaoke! This fun event is held the first Saturday of August. Please check back. We hope to see you there!
Photos by Felix Lanier, Tohkon Judo Academy.