Donguri Kai 2023
Donguri Kai 2023
Donguri Kai 2023
The Donguri Kai program is for children who want to learn Japanese at any ability level.
Donguri Kai program is an online and in-person Japanese language program for children in K – 6 grade. It offers classes at beginner, elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels.
Its small class size class creates an interactive learning environment for all students. Teachers closely work with each student to fortify reading, pronunciation, conversation, and communication skills. Students interact and stimulate each other through interactive exercises.
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Tampopo Kai
Tampopo Kai is an Japanese cultural program for preschoolers. Through various engaging activities, children and their parents are exposed to the richness of the Japanese language and culture.
Kids Day Camp
Kids Day camps are held on school vacation days and during long breaks.
JASC Youth Volunteer Program
JASC offers various volunteer opportunities for middle school and high school students at JASC programs and events. Students receive their service hours and documentation for their work.