Shubu-Kai (Fujima Ryu Japanese Classical Dance)
Shubu-Kai (Fujima Ryu Japanese Classical Dance)
The Fujima style dance school was established in Japan over 300 years ago during the Hoei era by choreographer Kambei I and is maintained to this day by descendants of the Fujima clan. The Fujima school here in Chicago, named Shubu-Kai, just celebrated it’s 40th anniversary in 2016 and is led by founder and artistic director, Fujima Shunojo, who taught in Tokyo for several years before introducing the legendary Shubu-Kai style to Chicago in the 1970s. Fujima Shunojo has appeared internationally and throughout the U.S., performing in major venues such as the Tokyo National Theater, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Chicago Cultural Center, Orchestra Hall and the Art Institute of Chicago. In 2005, he became a resident artist at JASC, helping to establish the organization as a leading center for Japanese and Japanese American cultural arts. For more information, please contact Rika at .
Private Lessons
*It is recommended to set up appointment to observe a session first.
You can register for Shubu-Kai classes by contacting . If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Photo credit: Nagle Photography
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Shubukai – is a program of Asian Improv aRts Midwest and resident of the Japanese American Service Committee of Chicago and is supported in part by the Illinois Arts Council, the MacArthur Fund for Arts & Culture at The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation, the Alphawood Foundation, CDH. P.C, JCCC Foundation, Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley Foundation and The Field Foundation.